Administrative Law

Legal services

The firm’s professionals belonging to the Administrative and Public Economic Law practice areas, have many years of recognized experience in providing judicial and extrajudicial assistance to private and public, domestic and foreign clients.

In particular, professionals in the area of Administrative Law have gained particular experience in the following specific areas:

  • public contracts and concessions for public works, services and supplies in the ordinary and special sectors; judicial and extrajudicial assistance in the structuring of procedures and participation in tenders for the award of public procurement and concession contracts and their execution; technological procurement
  • public-private partnership operations and project finance
  • european administrative law
  • Operations of incorporation, reorganization or privatization involving publicly held companies
  • Local public services and utilities (gas, water, sanitation, environmental, transportation sectors)
  • Judicial and extrajudicial assistance in relations with ANAC and independent regulatory authorities in the energy, communications, antitrust and transport sectors, as well as with the Supervisory Authorities on administrative law issues related to the banking, financial markets and insurance sectors.; extrajudicial and judicial assistance related to sanctioning proceedings within the competence of the Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities
  • Public contribution schemes and investment incentives
  • Operations to dispose of public real estate assets, including through the establishment of public contribution real estate funds
  • Sports law, judicial assistance before the sports justice bodies and in the courts in matters concerning the measures of the sports governing bodies
  • Energy law, interventions in the construction of energy production facilities from renewable sources; mining law; judicial and extrajudicial assistance in matters of prospecting, exploration and cultivation measures
  • telecommunications law
  • pharmaceutical and health law; judicial and extrajudicial assistance in tender procedures for the awarding of supplies and services, including technological services, in favor of the National Health Service; assistance on authorization and accreditation-related aspects in the disposal and acquisition of health facilities
  • Urban planning, spatial planning and protection of environmental and cultural heritage; interventions and proceedings concerning the remediation of polluted sites
  • Digitization in the public sector and application of artificial intelligence models in the p.a.

In their professional experience, professionals in the area of administrative law have developed a full aptitude for a multidisciplinary approach and for carrying out team work with professionals from other areas; which enables them to ensure clients the most adequate support in complex assistances, which require the composition of teams in which different competencies converge, as in the case of transactions that present authorization and regulatory issues or involve relations with sector authorities.